aamreetaThe SmellMinakshee clenched her purse tightly as she made her way through the crowded bus station. She pulled the aanchal of her black polka-dotted…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
aamreetaKhuritiHe could feel the raindrops mixed with sweat trickling down his forehead. His heart was racing, breaths were shorter, his ears were…Sep 21, 20191Sep 21, 20191
aamreetaHitchhiker’s Guide to a Brief History of AIIt was 1950, a fascinating academic paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence appeared in Mind, an academic journal published by Oxford…Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019
aamreetaThe Color of the HeartThe untimely shower caught Naren by surprise. Since morning, there had been no indication of rain. He was near Atul’s paddy field when he…Sep 30, 2018Sep 30, 2018
aamreetaCan AI change the face of Project Management?Imagine the brave new world of Project Management equipped with the power of Artificial Intelligence, where Project Managers do not have to…Jul 14, 20171Jul 14, 20171
aamreetaIs Array Database is the answer to faster analytics on Big Data?While Hadoop’s epitaph is being written and the industry is repositioning itself with new sets of paradigms like Hive based execution…Feb 19, 2016Feb 19, 2016
aamreetaMelody of a Discordant NightA short story in even shorter parts — Part 2Aug 21, 2015Aug 21, 2015